Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

The Chronicles of Peanut and Nosehole


When i was child, i often went with my mother to the market, where there are lots of shops and kiosks. There, i loved to play on raw peanuts which were sold. Since i was a dumb kid, i tried to put one peanut in my nosehole and i pushed it in, while my mother bought some groceries. When i wanted to pull the peanut back, it couldn’t get out. It stuck. I kept trying to picked it out until my mother saw me. Then, she asked me what i was doing. I showed her my nose and after that she saw the peanut. Of course, she panicked. She kept trying “ What should i do”? My daughter ! Peanut!”

We left the market immediately. My mother left few things in her groceries list untoughted. At home, my mother, along with my aunt, struggled to get the stubborn peanut out. One of them pinched my nose, pushing the peanut out, and the other one kept saying, “breath it out, honey!”. And after twenty five minutes of our battle with the evil peanut, it was finally out of my nosehole. It was all happy ending ... until my mother told me i was grounded.

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